Nedstat Counter
A note to those visiting my page...
I havn't had time to modernize it recently as I've been wanting to do--
the advertising business takes up too much of my time.  I plan to update 
my pages soon but don't know when.  I'll email interested parties when I have.  
Until then, realize this was a first attempt at website design and that it's over 
two years old.  

To NAVIGATE, use your browser back and forward button when there are no links to click on.  
Visit my ELFWOOD link to see my recent artwork--it's easier to navigate there too!

WELCOME to the strange and wonderful world explored in my art and musings
Most of it was either photographed by me or made in Bryce 2 and touched up in Photoshop.

I hope you find some inspiration, or that what you see helps you look at the world 
in new and different ways. There are more possibilities out there than we realize...
This is a graphics intesive site, though I have tried to keep file sizes small.

Those interested in purchasing high quality prints can contact me at:
Special thanks to Ken Kelly for the wonderful twin Dragons below.


Ponderings & Links: ART, GREAT LINKS, and some of my thoughts.
GUESTBOOK: Leave your questions, comments, and salutaions.
Gallery 1: My FANTASY Gallery at
Gallery 2: My SCI-FI Gallery at
Art Page I: older Sci-fi/Fantasy Art created using Photoshop, Bryce, Poser, photos, and my imagination
Art Page II: 10 more older fantasy, sci-fi, landscapes and portraits.
Art Page III: More surreal stuff.
PERSONAL Info: Some pictures and biographical information about your host (needs an update).
Photos I: Some of my B/W photos of various subjects.
Photos II: B/W & color photos of various subjects.

L.O.R.E. Listings

L.O.R.E.'s website: The home of Legends Of Reality Enacted
The Lands of L.O.R.E.: Explore the lands of Tir Na Nog. Still under construction.
Castle Greywolf: Lord Greywolf's domain
Jade Nighthawk's Den For Wayward Warriors: My friend Jade's realm.
The Tower of Shadows: Shayde's awsome site.

Believe it or not, starting 2/25/98, people have visited this site!





This site last updated on 15 October 1999.


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